A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc.®Model No.WIREDUser Guidewith 4-Port SwitchAG041 (EU)ADSL Gateway
3Chapter 1: IntroductionWhat’s in this Guide?ADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch• Appendix G: SpecificationsThis appendix provides the technical specifica
4Chapter 2: Planning your NetworkThe Gateway’s FunctionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchChapter 2: Planning your NetworkThe Gateway’s FunctionsA Gatewa
5Chapter 2: Planning your NetworkWhat is a VPN?ADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchSince you use the Gateway to share your DSL Internet connection, contact
6Chapter 2: Planning your NetworkWhy do I need a VPN?ADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switchtelecommuters, and/or professionals on the road (travelers can con
7Chapter 2: Planning your NetworkWhy do I need a VPN?ADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switchdata inside of a local network. But what do you do once informatio
8Chapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL GatewayThe Back PanelADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchChapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL GatewayThe Back PanelThe
9Chapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL GatewayThe Front PanelADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchThe Front PanelThe Gateway's LEDs, where information ab
10Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL GatewayOverviewADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchChapter 4: Connecting the ADSL GatewayOverviewThe Gateway’s setup consi
11Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL GatewayConnecting to a ComputerADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch5. Connect the power adapter to the Gateway’s Power por
12Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayOverviewADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchChapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayOverviewFollow the steps in thi
ADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchCopyright and TrademarksSpecifications are subject to change without notice. Linksys is a registered trademark or trade
13Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayHow to Access the Web-based UtilityADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchApplications & Gaming• Single Port Forw
14Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Setup TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchThe Setup TabBasic SetupThe first screen that appears is the Basi
15Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Setup TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchRFC 1483 Bridged Dynamic IPIP Settings. Select Obtain an IP Addre
16Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Setup TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchRFC 1483 RoutedIf you are required to use RFC 1483 Routed, then s
17Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Setup TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchRFC 2364 PPPoA Some DSL-based ISPs use PPPoA (Point-to-Point Prot
18Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Setup TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchOptional Settings (Required by some ISPs)• Host Name and Domain N
19Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Setup TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch• Time Setting. This is where you set the time zone for your Gate
20Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Setup TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAdvanced RoutingThe Advanced Routing screen allows you to configu
21Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Setup TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch• Show Routing Table. Click the Show Routing Table button to open
22Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Security TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchThe Security TabFirewallWhen you click the Security tab, you w
ADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchTable of ContentsChapter 1: Introduction1Welcome 1What’s in this Guide? 2Chapter 2: Planning your Network 4The Gateway’
23Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Security TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchVPNVirtual Private Networking (VPN) is a security measure that
24Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Security TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switchtype of encryption that is being used by the VPN device at the
25Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Security TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAdvanced VPN Tunnel SetupFrom the Advanced IPSec VPN Tunnel Se
26Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Security TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch• Key Life Time. In the Key Lifetime field, you may select to
27Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Access Restrictions TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchThe Access Restrictions TabInternet AccessThe Acces
28Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Access Restrictions TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch2. Click the Edit List button. This will open the L
29Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Applications and Gaming TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchThe Applications and Gaming TabSingle Port Forw
30Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Applications and Gaming TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchPort Range ForwardingThe Port Forwarding screen
31Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Applications and Gaming TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchDMZThe DMZ screen allows one local user to be e
32Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Administration TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchFigure 5-25: Administration tab - ManagementThe Administ
ADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchWindows 98 or Me Instructions 62Windows 2000 or XP Instructions 63Appendix D: Upgrading Firmware 64Appendix E: Windows
33Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Administration TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchUPnP UPnP allows Windows XP to automatically configure t
34Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Administration TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchReportingThe Reporting tab provides you with a log of al
35Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Administration TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchDiagnosticsPing TestPing Test Parameters• Ping Target IP
36Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Administration TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchFirmware UpgradeTo upgrade the Gateway’s firmware:1. Cli
37Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Status TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchThe Status TabGateway This screen displays information about you
38Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL GatewayThe Status TabADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchLocal NetworkThe Local Network information that is displayed is
39Appendix A: TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix A: TroubleshootingThis appendix consists of two part
40Appendix A: TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch7. Toward the bottom of the window, select Use the following
41Appendix A: TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchB. Open a command prompt.For Windows 98 and Me: • Click Start
42Appendix A: TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch4. I am not able to access the Setup page of the Gateway’s we
ADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchList of FiguresFigure 2-1: A Network with the Gateway 4Figure 2-2: Computer-to-VPN Gateway 6Figure 2-3: VPN Gateway-to-
43Appendix A: TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch6. I need to set up a server behind my Gateway and make it av
44Appendix A: TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch5. Enter the IP address of the computer or network device tha
45Appendix A: TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch10. I am a PPPoE user, and I need to remove the proxy setting
46Appendix A: TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchSubnet Mask:• Perform the u
47Appendix A: TroubleshootingFrequently Asked QuestionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch16. The Power LED flashes continuously.The Power LED lights up w
48Appendix A: TroubleshootingFrequently Asked QuestionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchDoes the LAN connection of the Gateway support 100Mbps Ethernet?
49Appendix A: TroubleshootingFrequently Asked QuestionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchThe web page hangs; downloads are corrupt, or nothing but junk c
50Appendix A: TroubleshootingFrequently Asked QuestionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchIs the Gateway cross-platform compatible? Any platform that sup
51Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayIntroductionADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix B: Configurin
52Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
ADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchFigure 5-23: Applications & Gaming - Port Triggering 30Figure 5-24: Applications & Gaming - DMZ 31Figure 5-25:
53Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
54Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
55Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
56Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
57Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
58Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
59Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
60Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
61Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the GatewayHow to Establish a Secure IPSec TunnelADSL Gateway with 4-Port Sw
62Appendix C: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for Your Ethernet AdapterWindows 98 or Me InstructionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix C:
ADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchFigure B-23: New Preshared Key 59Figure B-24: Tunnel Setting Tab 59Figure B-25: Connection Type 60Figure B-26: Rules 60
63Appendix C: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for Your Ethernet AdapterWindows 2000 or XP InstructionsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchWindows 20
64Appendix D: Upgrading FirmwareADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix D: Upgrading FirmwareThe Gateway's firmware is upgraded through the Web-U
65Appendix E: Windows HelpWireless-G ADSL GatewayAppendix E: Windows HelpWindows is the most used operating system in the world and comes with many fe
66Appendix F: GlossaryADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix F: GlossaryAdapter - This is a device that adds network functionality to your computer.
67Appendix F: GlossaryADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchDynamic IP Address - A temporary IP address assigned by a DHCP server.Encryption - Encoding data
68Appendix F: GlossaryADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchNAT (Network Address Translation) - NAT technology translates IP addresses of a local area networ
69Appendix F: GlossaryADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchSwitch - 1. A data switch that connects computing devices to host computers, allowing a large num
70Appendix G: SpecificationsADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix G: SpecificationsStandards IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, G.992.1 (G.dmt), G.992.2 (G.li
71Appendix H: Warranty InformationADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix H: Warranty InformationLIMITED WARRANTYLinksys warrants to You that, for a p
72Appendix I: Regulatory InformationADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix I: Regulatory InformationFCC StatementThis product has been tested and com
1Chapter 1: IntroductionWelcomeADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchChapter 1: IntroductionWelcomeThank you for choosing the ADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch
73Appendix J: Contact InformationADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchAppendix J: Contact InformationNeed to contact Linksys?Visit us online for information
2Chapter 1: IntroductionWhat’s in this Guide?ADSL Gateway with 4-Port SwitchWhat’s in this Guide?This user guide covers the steps for setting up and u
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